Rye Country Day School

Rye Country Day Programs
We offer a variety of Toddler, Preschool and Kindergarten Programs to meet the needs of all our children and parents.
Toddler Program
Our Toddler Program is offered on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:50-11:30. Our experienced teachers provide a safe and nurturing environment that supports growth in all areas of development and responds respectfully and enthusiastically to children’s needs and interests. Children do not need to be potty trained to participate in this program.
- Complete details on our Toddler Program
Preschool Programs
Rye Country Day School offers morning and full day preschool programs.
Our preschool classes are divided into pods of two classes each. While each class has its own self-contained classroom, the two classes within a pod will join together daily for exploring time, special activities, or scheduled events. This gives the children increased opportunities for socialization and exposure to a wider variety of educational opportunities.
- Complete details on our Preschool Program
Kinder Owl Program
At Rye Country Day School, our Kinder Owl program meets five days a week. Parents have the option of sending their children to the half-day or full-day program.
Morning program meets from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Full day program meets from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Complete details on our Kinder Owl Program
Early Morning Care
Our Early Morning Care Program is available (as space allows) to children who have turned three and are potty trained. This program offers children the opportunity to explore quiet activities before their school day begins. Parents using the Early Morning Care Program must complete a registration form in advance of each month.
- Complete details on our Early Morning Care
Extended Day Program
Extended Day is available (as space allows) to children who have turned three and are potty trained. This program allows children to continue their day away from home in a familiar and caring setting. Parents using the Extended Day Program must complete a registration form in advance of each moth.
- Complete details on our Extended Day Program