Rye Country Day School

"Rye Country Day has the very best in quality preschool education in the most caring environment--two of the most important aspects of early childhood education for our family. My oldest two children have attended the preschool program and my youngest definitely will too when she is old enough. We love the RCDS teachers and staff!"- Tibby C.
"My little one's love and enthusiasm for school at such a young age is a testament to the hard work that you all put into making each day special for the kids."- Jen S.
"It's all love when my daughter talks about Rye Country Day School! She is over the moon about her time there." -Natasha G.
"Rye Country Day School hosted such a great Open House. Our 3 year old son was excited just to be back at school and see his teachers. My husband, who doesn't drop off or pick up, got the chance to see his projects and classroom. It helps him to understand our son's experiences and stories about school and helps them talk about this important part of our lives. Thank you to all the staff for your creativity and hard work." -Molly R.
"The Kindergarten Open House showed my husband and me the tremendous amount of thought and work the teachers put into the day experience at Rye Country Day School to make it the wonderful and positive educational experience that it is."
-Lauren K.
"...Please know that you make a tremendous difference in our children's lives and the life of our family- both this year and all the other years we've been at RCD. You have helped us learn about our children and learn how to be parents..." - Anji H.

*RCD families are from all over the seacoast. Represented are Rye, Greenland, Stratham, Exeter, Newfields, Kensington, Hampton, North Hampton, Newington, Portsmouth, York ME, and others!